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The Beginning Of Death

Sunday, March 16, 2008
This posting is about extinct or endangered animals, and I hope you will learn more from this post.

The first animal is the tasmanian tiger and it is extinct.

The next animal is the dodo bird and again it is also extinct.

The third animal is the Smilodon or the sabre-tooth cat.

The forth animal is the cheetah which is endangered not extinct..

The last animal is the African wild dog and it is endangered.

Thursday, February 28, 2008
This posting is going tell you facts about 5 fascinating animals in my opinion.
Portuguese Man o' War
First is the Portuguese Man o' War. The Portuguese Man o’ War’s sting from the tentacles is dangerous to humans. These stings usually cause excruciating pain, and have caused several deaths. Surprisingly, even the detached tentacles and specimens which wash up on shore can sting just as painfully as the intact creature in the water for weeks after their detachment. If stung, medical attention is usually necessary, especially in extreme cases. The Portuguese Man O' War is often confused with a jellyfish, due to their similarity in appearance, which is incorrect and may lead to improper treatment of stings, as the venom is different. A second sting may lead to an allergic reaction.
great white sharks
Second up is the great white sharks. Their eggs develop in the female's uterus, hatching there and continuing to develop until they are born, at which point they are perfectly capable predators, and therefore able to find food on their. The delivery takes place in the period between spring and summer. When giving birth, the female has to fast to prevent herself from eating her young after they are born. Although Great white sharks give people the impression of man-eating monsters, I kind of pity the mothers for having to starve just for the survival of her babies.
The third animal is the liger. The liger is not something that one would come across in the wild as it is actually a hybrid. A liger is produced by the mating of a lion with a tigress. A liger is bigger than both of its parents as its growth is not seen in in, as such genes are normally "counteracted" by genes inherited from the female of the appropriate species.
The fourth animal I am going to talk about is the platypus. The platypus is one of the few mammals which lay eggs and it is a monotremes, the only mammals known to have a sense of electro reception, in other words they locate their prey in part by detecting electric fields generated by muscular contractions. That is the first time I heard of such an ability possessed by an animal let alone a mammal.
Finally the final animal the owl. Most owls are nocturnal, actively hunting for prey only under the cover of darkness. Most owls are nocturnal yet several types of owl, however, are active during the twilight hours of dawn and dusk. A few owls are also active during the day. The dull coloration of an owl's feathers can render them almost invisible under certain conditions, which helps when it catches prey.

Monday, February 4, 2008
I was born on 27 February 1996 and this is my auto-biography. When I was 1, I went to Malaysia more specifically Sabah. I stayed at my mother's home town and flew back to Singapore during 1999, at that time I was 3. During the same year, I attended pre-school. The next year I started learning the piano and basically I still do. When I was 5 I attended my cousins wedding. At the age of 7 I started attending primary school and I also started taking up swimming, but half-way through the year I stopped my swimming lessons, due to my lack of patience. When I was 8 I picked up swimming again and got a bronze award then I quit. During the same year my paternal grandfather died from cancer, and that proves that I have a chance of getting cancer, and my eldest uncle died to, though I do not know what the cause of it was. When I was 9 my cousin got married, and by the time I was 10 a great number of babies in my family was born by my other cousins. In 2007 which is last year, my maternal grandmother died of cancer, and it increases the chance of me getting cancer even more through my genes. Now it is the year 2008 I and will be taking the PSLE and it will also be the last year which I am considered a child, so I should cherish this year well and make the best out of it.

Monday, January 21, 2008
Elizebeth Choy is a war heroine, she was a good teacher. Although the Japanese made her a slave and tortured her, she did not reveal anything to them at all. She had served her country well and she really deserves to be a war heroine. I think it would be very terrifying experience to be electrocuted and I am not the least bit surprised that she has a phobia of electrical appliances. If I was in her place I think I would not have been able to go through all that torture. I would have felt honored to be able to receive those awards and it was brave of her to leave her husband. It is also a great achievement to be the first woman to be nominated as a member of the Legislative Council. She also help set up the School for the Blind, which I think many people appreciated.


Jolyon Lim


Dennis Chen|
Low Ding En|
Li Ear|
Hoo Jinh Hao|



don't have one
